
The audience is very excited about the power of this music, the composition of the musicians, the fun they have in their game and not least their versatility and spontaneity. It's a novel sound that gets in the blood and gets carried away. It's music for heart and soul ...
Brunn is a masterful guitarist, picking the Piedmont style with natural ease and virtuosic perfection.
Rainer Brunn plays the classic Delta Blues exactly in the tempo in which the paddlewheel is turning to make the steamship a little faster than the Mississippi. His stoical, laid back style and the fluent grooves provide a dense sound.

Rainer´s playing is clean, inventive and true to the tradition. He captures the spirit of the old blues and ragtime players using his strong technique and musicianship to give their songs new life.
Highly recommended!

Lessons (video tutorial + tabulature)

7€ or 8$ (each):

Title (written by)

(Tabs and teaching videos 7€ or 8$ each)
Who’s Been Fooling You (Arthur 'Big Boy' Crudup)
Six White Horse (Clyde Moody/Norman Blake)
Malted Milk (Robert Johnson)
One Dime Blues (Lemon Jefferson)
Walking My Troubles Away (Blind Boy Fuller)
Penguins On Parade (Rainer Brunn)
Skeedle Loo Doo Blues (Blind Blake)
Walk On Boy (Doc Watson)
Cocaine Blues (Gary Davis)
Papa's On The Housetop (Leroy Carr)
See, See Rider (trad.)
Church Street Blues (Norman Blake)
Sporting Live Blues (Brownie McGhee)
Special Agent (Sleepy John Estes)
Shake Sugaree (Elizabeth Cotten)
Down The Dirt Road Blues (Charlie Patton)
Lost Lover Blues (Blind Boy Fuller)
Rag, Mama Rag (Blind Boy Fuller)
Too Tight Rag (Blind Blake)
Chump Man Blues (Blind Blake)
Worried Man Blues (Carter Family)
Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning (trad.)
You Can Never Tell (Blind Boy Fuller)
When The Levee Breaks (Memphis Minnie)
Going down slow (Jimmy Oden)
Poor Black Mattie (R.L. Burnside)
See That My Grave Is Kept Clean (Blind Lemon Jefferson)
Pony Blues (Charley Patton)
Dough Roller Blues (Sonny Jones)
I´m Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter (Fred Ahlert)

Title (written by)

(Tabs and teaching videos 7€ or 8$ each)
Mississippi Blues (Willie Brown)
Stagger Lee (John Hurt)
Angie (Davey Graham)
Me & My Chauffeur (Memphis Minnie)
Hard Times Killing Floor (Skip James)
Diddiewahdiddie (Blind Blake)
Tired of Being Mistreated (Clifford Gibson)
Who's been Here (Bo Carter)
Keep Your Hands Off Her (Ledbetter/Broonzy)
Glory of Love (Big Bill Broonzey)
Shine On Harvest MoonI Get The Blues (Bo Carter)
Ragtime Millionaire (William Moore)
Sitting On Top Of The World (Walter Vinson)
Brother Can You Spare A Dime (Jay Gorney)
Dark was the night cold was the ground (Blind Willie Johnson)
Roll & Tumble Blues (Hambone Willie Newnbern)
Nuts About That Gal (Lonnie Johnson)
What's The Matter With The Mill (Memphis Minnie)
St. Louis Blues (W.C. Handy)
Mr. Laurel´s Marchn (Rainer Brunn)
Walking With Lonnie (Rainer Brunn)
Sixteen Tons (Merle Travis)
Ontario Blues (Elisabeth Cotten)
Windy & Warm (John Loudermilk)
Bulldoze Blues (Henry Thomas)
Police Sergeant Blues (Rev. Robert Wilkins)
Kansas City Blues (Jim Jackson)
How Long Blues (Leroy Carr)
Come On In My Kitchen (Robert Johnson)

Example ...

Tabulatures (no videos)

Lessons (Tabs) 5€ or 6$ (each):

Title (written by)

(Tabs 5€ or 6$ each)
The Gentleman's Rag (Rainer Brunn)
Boogie Woogie Dance (Tampa Red)
So Tired Of Crying (Coley Jones)
Moon River (incl. score) (Henry Mancini)
Cats On The Table (Rainer Brunn)
That'll Never Happen No More (Blind Blake)
The Cat & Mouse Rag (Rainer Brunn)
Going Down Slow (St. Louis Jimmy Oden)
Illinois Blues (Nehemiah 'Skip' James)
Future Blues (Willie Brown)

Title (written by)

(Tabs 5€ or 6$ each)
Big Hardy (Rainer Brunn)
Moon Going Down (Charley Patton)
Kind Hearted Woman (Robert Johnson)
Summertime (George Gershwin)
The Roamer (Rainer Brunn)
Mr. Laurel's Jump (Rainer Brunn)
Hey Hey (Big Bill Broonzy)
Fishing Blues (Chris Smith)
Libba Cotten´s Rag (Rainer Brunn)

Homespun Lesson Series

Jewels of Acoustic Blues Guitar


Five Classics for Fingerstyle Guitarists

One hour download-only lesson, includes tab



Five Classics for Fingerstyle Guitarists

75-minute download-only lesson, includes tab



Four Songs by Blind Blake

75-minute download-only lesson, includes tab



Five Songs in Open D Tuning

65-minute download-only lesson, includes tab


Rainer’s Blues Picking School

A Complete Methode To Get Started

85-minute video lesson with TAB


Rainer’s Blues Picking School

Songs of Bo Carter

70 minute video, includes tab on pdf file


Rainer’s Blues Picking School

Four Songs of Mississippi John Hurt

74 minute video, includes tab on pdf file


Rainer's Blues Picking School


Two hour video of 47 exercises- includes tab on pdf file


CD Blue River

19€ or 22$ (including package & shipping)



Old Time Rider (Clifford Gibson)
Traveling Riverside (Robert Johnson)
In My Rual Home (Rainer Brunn)
St. James Infirmary (trad.)
Deep River Blues (Alton & Rabon Delmore)
Hard Times Killing Floor (Nehemiah James)
Can’t Be Satisfied (McKinley Morganfield)
Nobody Knows You When You’re Down & Out (Jimmy Cox)
Hellhound On My Trail (Robert Johnson)
Ragged And Dirty (William Brown)
Word Gone Wrong (trad.)
Roll And Tumble Blues (Willie Newbern)
Amazing Grace (trad.)

Order information

If you wish to order a CD, eBook, Tabulature or Lesson please send the mentioned amount to my PayPal account: Please leave a short note which product you want to order.

When your payment is ready I will get a notification from PayPal and I will send the material to your (PayPal-) email address. If you want me to send the material to a different email address please let me know! For CDs I need your postal address. Please leave a note at PayPal!

I will always deliver as fast as possible!

Please note that due to possible different time zones ( I live in Europe) and my teaching job in the afternoons there might be a delay of a few hours until you receive your order. Shipping of CDs will take a little longer: A few days witin Europe, about 12 days to US, Canada, Australia etc.

You should receive your tabulatures or lessons within 24 hours. Please also check your spam folder!

If unexpectedly you have not received your order within 24 hours please write me an email: and I will answer you as fast as possible and get the problem solved.

Please do not contact PayPal for the solution of any issues, we will be able to solve any problem in a civil way!

I respect your privacy and will never give your email address to any person! I send no newsletters or any other advertisement. I will do posts on facebook for any updates of new tabs etc. For these reasons you will have to check yourself if there is something new.

eBook 'Rainer´s Ragtimes & Marches'

13€ or 15$ (including package & shipping)


10 original instrumental pieces.
It contains 10 tablatures in PDF format plus a list of video links to the performances

Big Hardy
The Gentleman's Rag
Cats On The Table
Libba cottens Rag
The Roamer
Penguins On Parade
The Cat & Mouse Rag
Walking With Lonnie
Mr Laurel's Rag
Ragtime March

Order information

If you wish to order a CD, eBook, Tabulature or Lesson please send the mentioned amount to my PayPal account: Please leave a short note which product you want to order.

When your payment is ready I will get a notification from PayPal and I will send the material to your (PayPal-) email address. If you want me to send the material to a different email address please let me know! For CDs I need your postal address. Please leave a note at PayPal!

I will always deliver as fast as possible!

Please note that due to possible different time zones ( I live in Europe) and my teaching job in the afternoons there might be a delay of a few hours until you receive your order. Shipping of CDs will take a little longer: A few days witin Europe, about 12 days to US, Canada, Australia etc.

You should receive your tabulatures or lessons within 24 hours. Please also check your spam folder!

If unexpectedly you have not received your order within 24 hours please write me an email: and I will answer you as fast as possible and get the problem solved.

Please do not contact PayPal for the solution of any issues, we will be able to solve any problem in a civil way!

I respect your privacy and will never give your email address to any person! I send no newsletters or any other advertisement. I will do posts on facebook for any updates of new tabs etc. For these reasons you will have to check yourself if there is something new.

The German Blues Picker and Singer

The German Blues picker and singer Rainer Brunn started playing Blues– and Folk Guitar as an autodidact at the age of 17 before he began his studies in Classical Guitar with Kurt Hiesl at Meistersinger Conservatory in Nuremberg. After his studies Rainer played a lot of Folk and American Oldtime music and gradually came back to Acoustic Blues.

Rainer's Style

He mainly concentrates on Country Blues Classics, Piedmont Style and Ragtime and has developed his unique style characterized by clean picking, powerful groove and expressive singing. His work has found a lot of recognition by thousands of followers on Facebook and YouTube.

Published Articles and Concerts

In 2019 the legendary Blues guitarist Happy Traum invited him to record Blues Guitar tutorials for the world famous label HOMESPUN. Also various professional journalists and Blues bloggers became aware of Rainer´s art and published articles of his music. His concerts are travels through the history of Country Blues and always well- received by an amazed audience.


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